Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY, is Japanese for spiritual energy. Reiki is a healing technique that restores and resets your mind and physical well-being to it's balanced state. Reiki can aid you in being more aware and in-tuned with oneself, being open to give and receive love, and to align your mind, body, spirit, and soul by attuning your main 7 chakras.
As your Reiki therapist, by using my intuition and connection with The Universe, I channel energy using Usui Reiki to transfer it directly to you for the areas that are imbalanced or overstimulated in your body.
Please note that Reiki is a spiritual practice and is not associated with nor does it interfere with any religion or religious practices or beliefs.
How it works?
-All sessions are met with intentional energies and crystals will be used for the healing of each chakra that is blocked or overactive. After each session, I will write up an action plan for you to move forward with keeping your chakras aligned and balanced.
-In-Person Sessions (50 mins): You will lay on the Reiki table and crystals will be placed on each chakra and I will use the hands-off method (my hands will hover over your body) as I channel the energy from the Universe and bring it to you. + concluding the session with a mini Oracle reading
-Distance Session (45 mins via Live 1:1 Video): You should be in a quiet place, where you are able to relax and go into meditation mode. We will do a quick discussion of the areas you noticeably feel are misaligned and I will verbally instruct you how to calm and relax your mind and body so that I can perform the distance Reiki. + concluding the session with a mini Oracle reading
-Distance Session (Video Emailed): I will record the Reiki session and send it via email. Prior to the session, you will fill out a questionnaire or you can email me what you have been experiencing and I will channel the energy for your healing. It is important that you do not do anything strenuous for 3 days after ordering this session and drink lots of water. This is important because this session/recording will take place within 1-3 days after your order is placed.
--->Calendar will be sent after order is received<---
***Please note, for best results, I recommend 3 sessions 1-2 weeks apart until the problem areas are relieved. It is pertinent that you monitor what your triggers are and that you actively work to break any cycles that cause the issues to arise again. If you need assistance, I recommend a
Life Coaching session.